Having a rather impressive portfolio for 6 years of work, one day we were invited to a tender by one of the largest developers in Kyiv. They had clear requirements for the project, specific evaluation criteria, and a large team of professional players who had already implemented more than one website.
This was a challenge for us, first of all, because all our previous clients were mostly creating their first website or redesigning an existing one.
So, first of all, we had to explain what it should look like and why.
But this time, the team clearly understood the market, prices, and product requirements.
Secondly, it was a new niche for us and it has certain peculiarities.
And thirdly, none of our previous clients had invested such large budgets in advertising.
This was a challenge for us, knowing that if the site showed poor conversion, it would be our last project with this client.
We started by researching insight solutions. The first thing that surprised us was that all the sites fell into two categories: either everything was very bad or very good and expensive.
After analyzing a large number of sites, we discovered certain commonalities and differences.
One point that we later realized is that there should be a completely different approach to the structure, content, and design of websites depending on the class of residential complex.
Accordingly, our first mistake was that we tried to make each site "luxury".
As it turned out, in some cases we "overdid it". Of course, the site should be user-friendly, with clear links, beautiful renderings, and a concise description, but there is no need to try to create a glossy magazine out of it if it is a comfort class - this will only alert visitors, because, from the first seconds, it will convey the feeling "It's expensive here".
This was our lesson, which we learned well.
But in the end, we were lucky, the first site showed excellent results and we were given 4 sites to develop at once, which we successfully implemented and continue to cooperate with this client to this day!
So let's get back to the question: "Why Real Estate?"
Each project is special and it is always a challenge.
Demanding customers and high competition stimulate constant growth and improvement.
The market of each country is sometimes very different. Studying them, and meeting directly with representatives of foreign developers, allows you to expand your picture of the world and, accordingly, find and implement new effective solutions.
Focusing on a specific market allows us to improve our expertise in this particular category of sites. Finding new successful solutions and building long-term partnerships.
Based on our extensive experience, we have developed our approach. It consists of the fact that we offer appropriate solutions for each stage of the development of a residential complex and develop websites based on this understanding. This allows us, first of all, to allocate the client's resources wisely and do only what is needed at the moment. No more, no less.
- Our sites have a well-thought-out architecture that allows users to move quickly through the sales funnel, while having the most pleasant experience: from the first contact to the purchase of their dream home.
- People feel when they are taken care of. Understanding the target audience, its expectations, and wishes allows us to convey your vision and the meanings you put into it through colors and animated transitions, fonts, and logical and convenient button placement.
- People buy with their eyes. After interacting with our websites, they want to come back for a pleasant user experience and make a home purchase or invest in their future(?).
- The ease of use of our websites will show you a new level of comfort that is hard to refuse.
- We don't just create a website or a sales tool. We invest in the development of your business, our own experience, the latest technologies, and the ability to improve and develop your product. So, you are guaranteed lifetime support of the tool.
Since then, we have been successfully cooperating with the top developers in Kyiv and its suburbs, Odesa, and Ukraine as a whole. Trust and professionalism are the key to long-term partnerships.
Today, the described partner is one of the leading developers in Kyiv, which is looked up to by colleagues in the market.
Having succeeded with our first developer partner, we realized that we could give a lot to the industry.
First of all, a fresh perspective. We have a huge arsenal of good solutions and implement the best option every time, depending on your brand and narrative.
Secondly, speed and efficiency. Our team has experience working with developers with different target audiences, so we understand our partners and their needs.
And thirdly, the validity and success of our projects are a confirmation of our experience and expertise.
Want to check it out? Contact us and find out how we can be useful to your business.